Two boats drifting helpless in the North Sea. High winds and stormy seas had damaged the rudder and the ships were at the mercy of the storm. Fortunately , the ships were brought to the shores of the Netherlands and finally found shelter in a bay Dutch .
Among the passengers of the ships were ten families of refugees from Spain . Spanish seemed to be noble , but they were actually undercover Marranos - Jews - who were still loyal to their faith despite the persecutions of the Inquisition . First of all they were Christians , but secretly observed the Jewish faith and its festivals . Life in Spain , however , it was impossible for them , as agents of the feared Inquisition constantly watched , and anyone suspected of any precept that practiced Jew was burned alive at the stake , and his fortune was confiscated and given to the Church. And so, these ten families had hired boats and fled Spain looking for a friendly country , where they could shed his disguise and be hateful Jews openly and freely . Divine Providence led them to the coast of Holland , who not long before had been liberated from Spanish rule.
These Jewish families were among the noblest and richest of Castile ( Spain ) . They were fortunate to take many of their possessions , gold , silver, and household goods.
While the boats were repaired , the Marranos assail their possessions and rented rooms at bay. After a good night's rest, one of the passengers , with his son, he was to walk into the street. Passed a butcher shop , where a good duck hanging in the window with a sign that had two words in Hebrew - kosher meat . The boy had never seen such a script before . " What strange language is this?" asked to his father.
"Shut up ! " replied his father, and the boy wondered why his father 's face had paled suddenly.
They returned immediately and the father asked the innkeeper : " Are there Jews in this place, and are allowed to live in peace ? "
" Yes , sir , " replied the innkeeper. " Since our country was freed from the yoke of their country twelve years ago, in 1581 , has become a free country where anyone can live in peace and worship their Gd according to their faith. "
These were wonderful news , and Mr continued , asking the landlord if there was a rabbi in the community , and if maybe I could introduce him .
" Certainly , sir. Gladly 'll take you where the Rabbi .He 's A good gentleman , loved by all. His name is Rabbi Moshe Uri, " said the landlord .
Two elders of the Marranos lost no time and went to see the Rabbi .
Ashkenazi Rabbi Moshe Uri had come from Germany and the small Jewish community in the bay Dutch had welcomed him and had honored him for his knowledge and his kindness to all . When the two Spanish nobles came to see them , were received in a very friendly , but I could not understand their language. His son Aaron served as interpreter .
"You can speak freely , gentlemen , " said the Rabbi , " as this is my son Aaron. "
The two Marranos Rabbi told him who they were, and how they came to this city. " We return to our faith and meet with our people. For many years we risked our lives to remain loyal to our Gd and our Torah , but could not do much under the watchful eyes of the Inquisition . Many of us ignore the Torah we are not circumcised , our children do not even know the Aleph - Bet. But the fire of devotion to Gd still burns in our hearts. Help us, Rabbi , to return to our people. "
Rabbi Moshe Uri heard her story , I was moved to tears . When their horror story about what had happened in the shadow of the Inquisition , Rabbi replied : "My dear brothers , in this place is not advisable to stay. There are very few Jews here , and your arrival and has drawn attention town.
Country people suspected of Spanish and that we could bring problems . However, the city of Amsterdam not far. There is a large Jewish community there. Go to Amsterdam and rented rooms , and Hang a red bow window . In a few days and I will get circumcision to all the men and boys to include you in the covenant of our father Abraham . Then we will teach you all you have to know about our faith , and live with us as brothers . "
The Marranos followed the advice of Rabbi . In time , Rabbi Moshe Uri and his son Aaron came to Amsterdam and went to the Junkerstraat . Soon embraced with affection the Marranos . The brit (circumcision ) took place quietly . The first to enter the Covenant of Abraham our father was Don Jacob Tirado, the oldest and noblest of all . Then one by one they were all circumcised.
After he recovered , Rabbi Moshe Uri and his son began to teach them all that the Jews have to know about your faith , how to pray from the siddur , say the blessings , wearing tefillin , and so on, and learned Spanish Jews with diligence and devotion , until they no longer needed the services of Rabbi Moshe Uri. He warned their Spanish brothers , relatives and friends, secretly informing how lucky they were in Holland, and urging them to join them . Thus, the small Spanish Jewish community grew under the leadership of Don Jacob Tirado. They lived quietly , trying not to draw much attention, since the fear of the Inquisition was still very strong in their hearts.

Then came the Holy Days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. The Marranos in Spain always observed the Day of Atonement. They used to meet in the basements of their homes to pray to Gd in this , the most solemn day of the year. Now, in the free Netherlands, it was not necessary to do it in secret, but still they were afraid that the long arm of the Inquisition catch them here . So shut the doors of his synagogue and prayed to Gd as never before.
The neighbors , who had noticed that many Spanish were grouped in one place , closing the door , and then out strange noises , became suspicious . We notified the Governor of the city on the secret meeting , certain that there was a plot against the free country of Holland , to recapturing for the King of Spain .
The Governor himself led a platoon of soldiers to Junkerstraat . Hit the closed doors saying : "Open in the name of the law! "
The faithful were about to die of fright . Someone shouted, "The Inquisition is here! " and there was a terrible panic among the frightened faithful , who began to jump out of windows to escape , but most were surrounded and captured.
Only the venerable Jacob Tirado remained without fear to face the intruders . The soldiers searched the place looking for weapons , but found nothing but prayer books and talit .
"Who are you , and what are you doing in this place so secretly ? " Governor demanded .
Not speaking Dutch , Don Jacob Tirado told to the Governor in Latin. He told her who they were, how they had escaped the terrible Inquisition , and how they would don't want their ugly wings this extendiese this peaceful and free state. Also told that this was the holiest day for Jews , the Day of Atonement , and had gathered to pray to Gd. But fear of the Inquisition was so strong in their hearts they still met in secret to pray. Don Jacob Tirado also told the Governor that were useful and peaceful citizens , they would not be a public charge, but the opposite, since they had brought with them wealth and trade were already developing for the good of the country .
The Governor was impressed by the words of Jacob Tirado. We shook hands, he said we were welcome and more like they would be welcomed in the free Netherlands. "You can worship your Gd here in freedom and without fear. Pray also for us, " he said upon leaving, with a friendly smile.
It was a great day for the emerging community of Spanish Jews in Amsterdam. Finally freed from their fear . Soon really built a synagogue , which bore the name " Beit Jacob " for their beloved leader, Jacob Tirado. One of the first Rabbis of the growing community of Spanish and Portuguese Jews in Amsterdam any of the most important Rabbi of this community was the famous Rabbi Manasseh ben Israel.