Saturday, 12 October 2013

The real connection between Christopher Columbus and the Canary Islands.

This is a theory about the true origin of Cristobal Colon. This theory says the true Columbus, Cristóvão Colón, was born in Cuba, Alantejo, Portugal in 1448, not Genoa, Italy. He was  the illegitimate son of Dom Fernando, Duke of the city of Beja. His mother was a Sephardic Jew named Isabel Gonçalves Zarco. When he addressed personal letters he placed a small cross in the center of the letterhead, and the Hebrew letters Bet and Hay, short for Baruch HaShem, “Blessed is God” on the upper left, an odd habit for an Italian Catholic. Because it is written in script, an alternative is “Bless you” in Hebrew, Baruch Tiyeh, which would make the letters Bet and Tav; Tav looks like Khet with a little foot, so they can also be easily confused.

On March 31, 1492, Colón heard trumpets blaring in the town square in Madrid. The Edict of Expulsion was read to the crowd telling them that all Jews  were being expelled from Spain, unless they converted to Christianity within four months. Colón had time to skip town because he was a “Converso” and might be subject to a challenge about his Christianity. He left Spain on August 2, 1492, hours ahead of the Spanish Inquisition, which might have arrested him.

 His grandfather was the navigator João Gonçalves Zarco that was one of the conquerors of Madeira. In Madeira, João Gonçalves Zarco had offspring and a grandson of this step to the south of the island of Tenerife, in Canary Island, where he had many children, cousins of ​​Cristobal Colon. Christopher Columbus's wife was the daughter of Bartolomeu Perestrelo and Isabel Monis, Felipa Monis Perestrelo . Bartolomeu Perestrelo next to Tristao Vas Teixeira  also with Jews origin  participated in the conquest of the island of Madeira. The Perestrelo’s  family and  Vaz Teixeira’s family  were investigated by the Inquisition.

Theories aside, what if this is proven the connection between the Colon  family in law and the Canary Islands and always remember that Canary has been for centuries  bridge between Europe and America.

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